Word Count

Count the Words & Letters in Text.

Words 0
Letters 0

Word Count is a useful tool that helps you easily find the number of individual letters and words in a piece of text.

Word counts are now inherent in every written piece, whether we realize it or not. Social media has character limits, formal documents have required lengths--in this day and age of the Internet, text counts are hidden variables within the writing.

Twitter once limited us to only 140 characters but increased it later to 280. Facebook wouldn't allow posts longer than 63,206 characters or comments using more than 8,000 characters. Even Instagram has a limit of 30 hashtags and 2,200 characters for captions--which get truncated after just 125. Furthermore, we've heard that 1800 words may be necessary for your blog post to break into Google's first-page ranking.

It's crucial that your contentment aligns with the relevant platform's character limit, or you'll find yourself having to adjust your word count back and forth. Thankfully, a text counter tool can help with that. And not only does it keep track of social media post characters for you, but..


If you're wondering why you should use an online Word Counter Tool, then try character counting your content manually. You'll realize how difficult and frustrating the exercise is before you even get to line 7. Plus, who wants to waste time counting a lengthy document when you can easily get help from a tool like ours?


Word Finder is more than just a tool for showing you the number of words and characters in your content. It is also built to help you find and calculate the characters in your written content, so that you can get accurate results every time.


Text Checker is not only easy and convenient to use but it is also packed with features that you won't find on other competing websites.

It doesn’t just tell the number of words, it also does the following:

  • About the "Basic Count Letter Statistics" features, it displays total words, total characters with space, and total characters without spaces. The top word densities for 1-3 words are also included. Other data such as the number of unique words, number of sentences, and average sentence length are displayed under "Extra Count Letter Statistics". Lastly, "Length Statistics" shows short and long word counts as well as the longest sentences.
  • With all these features, this tool is more than just your average word counter; it's an all-inclusive, sophisticated textual content metrics analyzer.
  • Oh, and you get all of those for completely FREE.


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